Friday, September 25, 2009

Alternative Creation Myth

A few oral traditions state that a primal chaos existed until, unexpectedly, a crack appears, separating the earth from the sky

Thursday, September 24, 2009


REMINDER: *we agreed on a meeting on Thursday Oct. 1st after school (that's nxt week) at the Richmond Green Public Library. It's a meeting for editing and changing the script as well as confirming roles. (we should have the bare script done by then)

Also. the meeting would be for the class lesson script. Nick's doing the paperwork but we'd have to sort out what lines or parts each of us will teach.

*btw. i have a book at home on the story of how humans were created. I'll insert it into the bare script

MURAL: maggie, justine, and erica. we should set up a schedule as to how many lunches we need to get the mural done. I posted a picture of a korean painting on the blog.

DUE DATE: around Wed. Oct 14? Would that be enough time? or more than enough time?

CLASS LESSON: Nick is working on that. He says he'll have the bare class lesson done by Thurs. for the meeting. I'll sub in the creation of humans part at the library. That way, at the meeting, everyone will be able to know what our myth is about and contribute to the play.

but that also means that we need someone to take the actual script for the class lesson and make it entertaining

sounds like a job for marshall 8) is that ok with you mash???

DUE DATE: well the person who does this would probably be working in a time frame from the day of the meeting to Mon. Oct. 5th. that would give them the weekend to finish that.

Then the script ppl can get it sent to them and can insert it into the script to have the whole thing ready for our set due date of the script: which is Oct. 8.

GEE DANCE: Maggie would your phone be loud enough for us to play it for the dance?

Maggie and Erica said they wanted to do this I think (you guys are also the best v-walkers 8) )
I guess you guys are choreographing the dance and teaching us the dance moves.

I HAVE NOOOOO IDEA. when we are going to learn them. Maggie and Erica can you tell us if you'll be able to have the dance ready by our meeting on Oct. 1? Or if not then we'll just have a meeting a one of the lunches before the presentation day.

also. i think one of you said they wanted to do the lyrics that summarizes our creation myth story.
Hopefully our dance and song won't fail D': cuz i'm wondering if the speed of the music is a bit too fast for the audience to follow
maybe we should pick a slower and more 'singable' tune??? that way maybe we could get the lyrics and put it up in the background

SPEAKING OF LYRICS: I had an idea for the set of the story.
If Mr. Falkenberg would get the projector in, it would be alot easier to play music just on the computer as a slide show. The backgrounds of the slides would be the backdrop of our play (u no temples, mountains, landscapes blah blah). and we could change the music by inserting it at different points in the powerpoint making it much simpler.
If you guys are ok with this idea tell me. :P
But it's rly up to mash since I'm thinking you'd be best for this job cuz ur a tech computer guy rite?
is that ok?

It won't be alot of work since we'll probably only need about 6 pictures at the most.

DUE DATE: a good idea would be to base the script on the backgrounds that we already have. so mash, once we have the bare script and you know what the myth is about do you think you could have the backgrounds done by Oct. 8th? Which gives you about a week to work on it)

Mash, that job also includes inserting erica's music into the powerpoint. erica'll know what order she wants the music in.

MUSIC: is under Erica's power :P. I think she said she knows music the other day. erica'll have all the dramatic and sad and emotional music downloaded. I don't know how much time you'll need to get the music.. the only problem is that you'll probably need the script done before you can pick out music.
based on the bare script though( that will be done by the library meeting), do you think you'll be able to pick out a few dramatic music songs that match the storyline?

You'll have to send them to _____ (marshall if he accepts the job of the ppt presentation) or decide to do a ppt slideshow in the background at all.

That means DUEDATE: probably Oct. 5th or 6th. to give mash time to add the music in.

SCRIPT: I think we decided that a few of us (maggie, erica, and justine) would start off by writing the bare base of the script.
The bare script is basically copying the story and seperating it into our roles. (so copy and pasting the story into a structured script format with an intro from the narrator.) actually the first script would probably have mostly narrator with the key events being seperated into important lines.

At the meeting at the library on oct.1 we'll work out the roles and the scenes of the play we want to show, how we want to show it, and after that we'll all be contributing to the script. (editing it over email).

DUE DATE: Oct. 6th IT WILL BE THE FINAL COPY. BUT YOU"LL HAVE 2 DAYS TO CONTRIBUTE UR THOUGHTS AND MAKE LAST MINUTE CHANGES. that means the script is completely done and ready for memorization on Oct.8 giving you guys the weekend and a day to memorise?

***NOTE: nick said we can go to his house on the Sunday right before our presentation.
So maybe if ppl are free that sunday we can go in the evening and run through the play a few times.
**** any changes you make to the plans or scripts make sure you email it to everybody again

It's confusing right now but hopefully we can resolve all the confusion at our meeting @ the library nxt thurs.
even then i'm not sure if we be able to make it without cutting corners on some of the stuff we orginally planned

RMBR THIS IS ONLY A TEMPORARY AND UNCONFIRMED PLAN DD: other than the due dates for the base script and the class lessons. LET ME KNOW IF YOU GUYS WANT TO MAKE ANY CHANGES OR ANYTHING.

Justine :)

Korean Myth of the Creation of the World

The Creation of the World

At the beginning the world did not exist. A deity named Yul-ryeo 율려(律呂) and a goddess named Mago 마고(麻姑) appeared . Yul-ryeo then died. Mago in turn gave birth to two goddesses: Gung-hee 궁희(穹姬) and So-hee 소희(巢姬). They in turn each gave birth to two Men of Heaven 천인(天人) and two Women of Heaven 천녀(天女).
After the appearance of the Heavenly People, Yul-ryeo 율려 is revived and through her re-birth heaven, earth, and the oceans were created, along with Chi (soul) 기(氣), fire 불(火), water 물(水), and earth 흙(土). These four elements in turn mixed and became herbs and plants, birds and animals.

Mago 마고(麻姑) decided to stay with Yul-ryeo, whose body had now become the world, and the Heavenly People ruled all living things from their heavenly fortress named Magoseong 마고성(麻姑城) in honour of the goddess.

The Coming of Humankind (a different, weirder less traditional version??)

There were four Heavenly Men guarding each cardinal direction of the fortress, and they were Cheong-gung 청궁(靑穹), Hwang-gung 황궁(黃穹) who were children of Gunghwee, and Hukso 흑소(黑巢), Baekso 백소(白巢)who were children of Sohwee. They in turn married the four Heavenly Women, and gave birth to twelve children, who would become the ancestors of the humans.

These ancestors were pure and were have said to drink from Earth's Milk 지유(地乳), which came from a spring inside the castle. They could speak without making sounds, and act without seeing and never died. Thus they lived for ten thousand years undisturbed.

Then there came a time when the number of people became too large. There was not enough of Earth's Milk (or "Jiyu") to go around for everyone. Because of this, a man from the line of Baekso 백소(白巢) by the name of Jiso 지소(支巢) decided to cede his meal of Earth's Milk five times to his neighbours (other versions say that he waited in line but the line was so long he never got his turn). Eventually his hunger grew intolerable, and deciding to kill himself he headed towards a cliff, where he saw a grape vine growing in the edges. Unable to suppress his hunger, he ate the grapes and immediately acquired the five tastes of sourness, bitterness, spiciness, sweetness, and saltiness. This is known as the Incident of the Five Tastes (오미의 변).

Jiso 지소(支巢) returned to his people and told them of his discovery. Soon however, those who ate from these grapes began to grow teeth. From the teeth spewed a saliva that turned into venom. This was because they had eaten another living thing in order to stay alive.
Soon they were able to see, but were no longer able to hear the heavens. Their skin became coarse, their feet heavy, and they were no longer pure. They gave birth to many animal-resembling children and their lifespans began to shrink.

There eventually came a point when the people of Magosung 마고성(麻姑城) began blaming Jiso (지소) for the transformation, and he along with his family and all those who had eaten the grapes were forced to leave Magosung 마고성(麻姑城).

As the line of Jiso was leaving, however, Hwang-gung (황궁:黃穹, one of the four guardians and a direct ancestor of the Korean people) tried to encourage them by saying that if they could recover their pure nature, they would be free of their misery.

Upon hearing this, the people became convinced that the only way to become pure once more was to drink from Earth's Milk again. They then stormed the castle and overwhelmed it, razing the fortress to its foundations in order to reveal the source of the spring that had given them Earth's Milk. The spring, however, began to flow in all directions and thereafter the milk turned into inedible earth, leaving not only the original perpetrators but all the former inhabitants of the now destroyed castle to starve.

Soon thereafter there ensued a massive famine, and everyone was reduced to devouring not only grapes, but all sorts of plants and even animals in an attempt to satiate their hunger. Of them only Hwang-gung 황궁(黃穹) came forth to Mago 마고(麻姑) and begged her for forgiveness.

He swore he would not rest until mankind could recover its pure nature. From her he obtained the Three Heavenly Heirlooms, and great knowledge. He then called together all the people of the earth, taught them agriculture, and gave each clan leader a Heavenly Heirloom and then sent them off in different directions to people the earth.

Korean Myth of origination of Humans

There was once a Heavenly Prince who asked his father, the Heavenly King, to give him the beautiful peninsula of Korea to govern. The King granted his wish and he went down to Korea with three Heavenly seals and 3000 followers. He landed in Korea under a now sacred sandalwood tree. Here he established a sacred city with three ministers to carry out his orders. The ministers were (in English) : Earl Wind, Chancellor Rain and Chancellor Cloud. These ministers were in charge of about three hundred and sixty officials who controlled things like grain, life, sickness and the determination of good and evil.

A bear and a tiger who shared a cave near the sacred sandalwood tree wanted very much to become human beings. Everyday they prayed so earnestly before the tree that the Heavenly Prince decided to give them a chance to become human. The Heavenly Prince gave the bear and the tiger a bundle of mugwort and twenty bulbs of garlic and told them that if they ate only these and stayed in the cave for one hundred days that they would become human.

So the bear and the tiger took the garlic and the mugwort and went into the cave. After a short time the tiger ran away because it could not stand the long days of sitting the cave and eating only garlic and mugwort, but the bear endured the boredom and the hunger, and after only twenty one days the bear was transformed into a beautiful woman.

The woman was overjoyed, visiting the sandalwood tree again and again she prayed that she may have a child. She became Queen before long and soon gave birth to Dan-Gun the Sandalwood King. Dan-Gun later reigned as the first human King of Korea.

When he became King he moved the capital to pyongyang and named the country Zoson (Choson), Land of Morning Calm. Later he moved the capital to Mt. Asadal(Mt. Guwol in Huang-He province) where there is now a shrine called Samsong (the Shrine of the Three Saints) dedicated to the Heavenly King, the Heavenly Prince and Don-Gun. It is said that when Dan-Gun abdicated his throne to the next king that he became a San-sin (Mountain God).


It's kind of clean actually, and simple with very little brigh pieces of colour (that's good)

I'd say charcoal but that smudges a lot :\ so actually black paint with thin brushes would be good
I can bring craft paper for the background, but i don't have anything else :\ and craft paper is brown. (do you think sarah has any left over white banner paper? cuz that would be awesome)

Maggie, we should set up a schedule for us to get the mural done :S like how many lunches we're going to spend on it and where.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009